GLCN Members Rotterdam and Oslo to showcase their SPP work at EcoProcura 2018
GLCN Members Rotterdam (The Netherlands) and Oslo (Norway) will present their sustainable procurement work and goals, and will discuss how they hope to use public procurement strategically to contribute towards achieving the sustainable mobility goals in their respective cities, at EcoProcura 2018.
Both cities will participate in a session titled: ‘Procurement on the move: Achieving sustainable mobility’ 3 October, 16:00-17:20, where they will present their SPP work, explore the crossovers between procurement and mobility, and discuss how public procurement can help achieve sustainable mobility goals.
The EcoProcura 2018 conference is taking place from 3-5 October 2018 in Nijmegen (the Netherlands), and focuses on sustainable, circular, and innovation procurement. It will bring together over 400 procurers, policy makers, businesses, researchers, and international organisations.
A mix of plenary sessions, breakout sessions, market lounge tables, study tours and social events make up the conference programme.
For more information about the sustainable procurement work and goals of our members, click here.