Ghent honoured for its sustainable procurement policies
The Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG), supported by the Flemish Government, awarded this January prizes to cities that consciously implement a sustainable procurement policy.
Ghent, participant of the GLCN on SP network was honoured for a painting contract. Ghent installed a small contest to decide on the right framework contract for the sustainable painting the city plans to carry out. On the one hand, this contest ensured less administrative expenses and, on the other hand, it guaranteed the use of low-impact products through the inclusion of particular environmental criteria in the technical specifications.
The city of Roeselare was declared “Laureaat Duurzame Overheidsopdracht” (Laureate Sustainable Public Contract) by the VVSG thanks to their long-term commitment to a sustainable fleet management through some thirty tenders. Roeselare also received the durable award in the form of a pack of cradle to cradle products that have been specifically designed to be safe and reusable from start to finish.
Three other cities were honoured for their sustainable framework contracts: Courtrai, for the periodical testing of their ecological fire extinguishing equipment; Antwerp, for the procurement of eco-friendly paper hygiene products, and Sint-Niklaas, for their use of low-impact materials to make toys for the St Nicholas celebrations.
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