Political commitment enables green procurement in Quezon City
Installing solar power systems on schools or city buildings, converting street lights to LED or reducing food loss - a green perspective on procurement helps Quezon City achieve all of the above. The former capital of the Philippines is a member of the Global Lead City Network on Sustainable Procurement, taking a lighthouse function for the region.
Quezon City has delivered successful sustainable procurement projects in the 4 sectors prioritised by the GLCN: construction, energy, transport and food & catering. For example, six buildings in Quezon City Hall Compound are installed with Solar Power System. And solar panels were also installed in three school buildings of Commonwealth High School where it can reduce an estimated 88.07 tons of CO2 equivalent and generate146,000 kW per year, whilst educating the next generation about renewables.
Quezon City is also progressing at pace in the implementation of its ambitions on waste reduction. For example in the food sector, the City is also expected to reduce food loss and waste by 50% from a 2015 baseline and address food insecurity by encouraging local cultivation of food.
Under the leadership of the Honorable Mayor Josefina Belmonte, the Green Public Procurement Program of the City will be re-launched, building new momentum to advance green procurement even further. The program seeks to adapt to the changing procurement landscape and in line with the administration’s ambition to create the Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Department.
Explore more about Quezon City’s procurement practice here.