Five new cities join the Network
Auckland (New Zealand), Denver (United States), Oslo (Norway), Quezon (Philippines) and Warsaw (Poland) have joined the Global Lead City Network on Sustainable Procurement, to promote SPP and related environmental, societal and financial benefits. The Network was launched in April 2015 with Seoul (Republic of Korea), Cape Town (South Africa), Helsinki (Finland), Ghent (Belgium) and Rotterdam (The Netherlands) as founding participants.
The Global Lead City Network's goal is to lead a transition towards sustainable production and consumption. Procurement makes up a significant proportion of public expenditure. According to the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), an average of 15 percent of global gross domestic product (GDP) is spent through public procurement systems each year, amounting to over $10 trillion. By introducing sustainability criteria in their purchases, public authorities can use procurement as a mechanism for the transition to a resource efficient, low-carbon and socially responsible world.
Key pillars of the network are target setting, implementation and monitoring of measures. To this end the city participants will both set quantified commitments on SPP and report annually on their progress. This ability to quantify achievements will provide convincing evidence to others of the impact more sustainable procurement practices can have.