Budapest and the City of Tshwane join the Global Lead City Network on Sustainable Procurement
The Global Lead City Network on Sustainable Procurement has welcomed two new participants: Budapest (Hungary) and the City of Tshwane (South Africa). By signing the GLCN on SP Commitments’ Document, both cities have expressed their will to take an exemplary role globally in the implementation of sustainable public procurement, to act as global and regional champions of SPP, and to collaborate with other cities in the Network to exchange experiences and knowledge.
Budapest, the capital and the largest city of Hungary, has shown a deep interest in procuring sustainably and is already implementing strategies to improve energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions. The City of Tshwane, the administrative capital of South Africa, with a population of around 2,9 million people, is using green procurement as an innovative way of financing green economy projects.
By joining the GLCN on SP, Budapest and the City of Tshwane commit themselves to set specific, clear and measurable targets on sustainable procurement. The other ten cities in the Network – Seoul (Republic of Korea)- Chair of the Network –, Auckland (New Zealand), Cape Town (South Africa), Denver (United States), Ghent (Belgium). Helsinki (Finland), Oslo (Norway), Rotterdam (The Netherlands), Quezon City (Philippines) and Warsaw (Poland) are currently working on establishing their targets as well.